#FIWARE Experiences for LATAM: Smart Territory Platform “Badajoz Es Más – Smart Province”

Date(s) - 27/05/2022
15:00 - 16:00

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FIWARE Experiences for LATAM: Smart Territory Platform “Badajoz Es Más – Smart Province”

The FIWARE Cities of the Future iHub – 1st in Argentina – with the support of the FIWARE Foundation, invites you to the second dissemination webinar of the year on the FIWARE platform with the aim of contributing to the dissemination in Spanish language of innovative use cases powered by FIWARE technologies and their possibility of application in our region.

On this occasion, the experience of the Badajoz Provincial Council, Spain, together with the iHub FIWARE Space in the project “Badajoz Es Más – Smart Provincia” will be presented. The project has two lines of activity:
• the implementation of a single platform for intelligent data management: Provincial Platform for Intelligent Management of Public Services
• the implementation of different “smart” projects such as the Smart Energy “MOVEM” and “Badajoz Provincial Council: Smart Tourist Destination”.

Under these projects, the Badajoz Provincial Council is managing to carry out a digital transformation in all its services and also provide digital tools to the different municipalities of the territory so that they can have right time access to data and analyze them, thereby achieving a true digitization of the territory. It also allows the improvement of the different public services and the development of training, dissemination and awareness actions in the territory through its innovation center and FIWARE iHub, the FIWARE Space center.

During the event, Roberto Gallego Delgado, Project Manager “Badajoz Es más – Smart Provincia”, Miguel López Corbacho and Jorge Osuna Pons, Promoters of “Badajoz Es más – Smart Provincia”, will speak.

You can register through EVENTBRITE here

Click here for more info

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