#Data Week Leipzig

Date(s) - 04/07/2022 - 08/07/2022

Neues Rathaus City Hall

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What is Data Week Leipzig?

Data Week is a week-long event in Leipzig focusing on digitization in heterogeneous areas of life as well as transparent, traceable and sustainable applications. For the first time, Data Week Leipzig creates an exchange and networking platform on the topics of data and artificial intelligence at the New City Hall in Leipzig. Through various event formats and keynote presentations, political, scientific and overall social perspectives on these two topics will be presented. Furthermore, the conference program will be complemented by various workshops and a panel discussion.

The Data Week combines individual event formats in the area of research and transfer (Leipzig Semantic Web Day, DBpedia Symposium, Big Data and AI in Business Workshop), which are organized by the participating scientific and transfer institutions Institute for Applied Informatics and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig as well as eccenca GmbH, the DBpedia Association and AKSW network.

A new networking event and platform will be created with the Data Week 2022 in Leipzig. In addition to the focus on AI and data, special emphasis will be placed on bringing together representatives from industry and science with municipal authorities. Furthermore, IT experts will present the latest use cases in workshops and lectures. We would also like to invite students, trainees and interested citizens to take a look behind the scenes at Leipzig as an educational location and thus create a forum for IT and data enthusiasts.

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