#Online event: CloudConf 2020

Date(s) - 18/06/2020

Κατηγορία(ες) Δεν υπάρχουν κατηγορίες

The best speakers for a perfect conference.

We’re working on a great schedule!!

check-in timings: 9:00am-10:00am   –   event ends at: 5:30pm


Sven Peters

Developer Advocate @
Experienced speaker in big and famouse international conferences. Ex evangelist at Atlassian!

Danilo Poccia

Principal Developer Advocate, Serverless @
Amazon Web Services
8 CloudConf, 8 keynotes by Danilo. Author of AWS Lambda in Action. International speaker in several conference worldwide.

Phil Estes

Distinguished Eng. & CTO, Container & Linux Strategy @
IBM Cloud
Distinguished Engineer for IBM Cloud, focused on containers, cloud, Linux OS being a CNCF Ambassador. International Speaker.

Anahit Pogosova

Software Designer @
Solita Oy
Anahit is an experienced software engineer at Solita, she has been working on full-stack and data solutions with various clients for over a decade

Casey West

Architecture Advocate @
Google Cloud
Casey’s speaking and writing ranges from open source communities and culture to technical architecture and automation tips and tricks.

Patrick Hamann

Principal Software Engineer @
Helping to build a faster web @ Fastly. Perfmatters advocate. Lover of mountains, craft beers and discovering new food. Formerly at Guardian and Financial Times

Ralph Squillace

Principal Program Manager @
Microsoft Azure
Ralph has been writing, writing about, and helping people with distributed computing for a long time; he is responsible for dev and ops experiences with cloud-native open source on Azure

Max Gallo

Principal Engineer @
Newbie audiophile, addicted to Technology, Music, Motorbikes, Photography, Typography. Principal Engineer at DAZN

Seth Vargo

Engineer @
Google Cloud
Seth Vargo is an engineer at Google Cloud. Previously he worked at HashiCorp, Chef Software, CustomInk, and some Pittsburgh-based startups.

Click here for more info.

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