#Online event: Webinar on Citizen-generated Data

Date(s) - 21/04/2022

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Opportunities and challenges of citizen-generated data

This course explores how citizen-generated data is currently being made available in open data portals from different levels of public administrations in Europe.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand whether and how citizen-generated data may be made available as part of the open data offering
  • Understand how citizen-generated data can be governed, catalogued and (re-)published by public administrations

This webinar follows the report on opportunities and challenges associated to the inclusion of citizen-generated data in data.europa.eu, to be published soon on data.europa.eu. The report explores how citizen-generated data is currently being made available in open data portals from different levels of public administrations in Europe.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand what citizen-generated data is.
  • Learn how to categorise the different forms of citizen-generated data that may be published in an open data portal.
  • Reflect about the opportunities and challenges that citizen-generated data brings in for open data portals.

Topics to be covered:

  • What is citizen-generated data? Challenges and opportunities for open data portals.
  • Description of the research method.
  • A framework of dimensions to categorise citizen-generated data available in open data portals.
  • Main findings from the study, including conclusions and recommendations.

Register to join the webinar to learn more about the potential value of citizen-generated data.

Note: After the webinar, the recording and slides will be made available in the data.europa academy.

Click here for more info

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