#Online event: Euruko 2021

Date(s) - 28/05/2021 - 29/05/2021

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What is Euruko?

Euruko is a Ruby conference organised annually, each year in a different European city chosen by the participants. In 2021 it will be organized online.

Euruko 2021 goes to SPACE

In the spring we had decided to move the conference to 2021 as it became increasingly clear that it would be impossible to hold it while the COVID-19 crisis was growing worse in Europe and around the world.

Despite the good news about vaccines, we don’t currently think that it will be realistically possible to hold a large, in-person event in May of 2021. Because of this, we’ve decided to move the Euruko 2021 conference online.

Ticket-holders will get various perks, including the following:

  • A goodie bag mailed to them where-ever they are in the world
  • Access to interactive conference features
  • Access to a Euruko Discord server
  • Access to a private Euruko Minecraft server
  • A 20% discount to the 2022 conference

We’re also planning on increasing access to the conference by offering a free stream of the conference to anyone in the world through YouTube or Twitch, without the interactive features that paying ticket holders will receive.

Access to the online features will become available closer to the event dates and goodie bags will ship in May.

Click here for more info.

Click here to view the schedule.

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