#Agorize x FIWARE: Innovation challenges for deep-tech startups

Date(s) - 04/07/2022
15:00 - 15:45

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gorize x FIWARE: Innovation challenges for deep-tech startups

Discover startup competitions with exciting new potential partner companies and growth opportunities through Agorize!

The main critical issue facing a start-up is finding the financing necessary for the creation and development of the company. Especially at the very delicate stage when costs needed to be incurred, perhaps even large ones, while revenues are still to come. Not much different is the situation for SMEs, when they want to finance, for example the development of a new line of business, a new product or new international markets. For this reason, banking systems are not the only way for a startup to access financial supports.There are organizations that can give global opportunities on a grant basis.

One of the most widely used tools and vehicles they can support are certainly Hackathons and Challenges.

During this online event, FIWARE Foundation will present its brand new partnership with Agorize, the leading open innovation platform, connecting a global community of entrepreneurs with large corporations, such as VivaTechnology, Huawei, Carrefour or L’Oréal, around unique innovation challenges!

Agorize’s Partnerships Officer will showcase a selection of their current challenges, a unique chance for startups in the deep-tech sector to access a pool of cash prizes, investment and visa sponsorship to expand internationally.

The last part of the session will be dedicated to Q&A.

So, save the date – and get a quick overview of the challenges before:
SLINGSHOT 2022: https://bit.ly/Slingshot2022FI
Huawei Spark Ignite 2022: https://bit.ly/HuaweiSparkIgniteFI

We know you can’t wait to hear all about the great opportunities for your startup to get on the level!

Click here for more info

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