Date(s) - 08/07/2022 - 09/07/2022
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Welcome to HugoConf!
Let’s take a few minutes to celebrate the successes of Hugo and what it means to thousands of developers and web users around the world.
Introducing Pagefind: static low-bandwidth search at scale
In this talk I’ll introduce Pagefind, a new open-source library for static websites that provides efficient search at scale without any extra infrastructure. I’ll demonstrate the process of adding Pagefind to a new site, and also show how well it works at scale — for example, Pagefind can return a search query against the entirety of MDN with a network payload as low as 300KB.
Going wild with Hugo modules
The Nuance TechPubs team produces documentation for multiple products. Because these products are stand-alone, they require their own Hugo projects. But we needed to reuse content between projects and ensure that products in the same line share the same look and feel. To implement this, we went wild with Hugo modules! This presentation will show how we: created a module that contains the building blocks that apply to all projects; stored project-specific assets, layouts, and content in this module; created modules for components that are shared between products; and used the Hugo configuration files to pull in the correct content.
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