
Date(s) - 07/07/2022 - 09/07/2022

Sorbonne Université

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The 2022 Free Silicon Conference (FSiC) will take place in Paris (Sorbonne) on July 7,8,9 2022 (Thursday to Saturday). This event will build on top of the 2019 edition. The conference will connect experts and enthusiasts who want to build a complete Free and Open Source CAD ecosystem for designing analog and digital integrated circuits. The conference will cover the full spectrum of the design process, from system architecture, to layout and verification. The conference consists of three full days, including a Saturday for facilitating those who are involved as non-professionals. After the daily talks, the discussion will continue until late in an informal and relaxed atmosphere at the nearby botanical garden “Jardin des plantes”, at the ancient roman theater “Arènes de Lutèce” or (depending on the weather) in the on-campus facilities.

The goal of FSiC is to make the technology accessible to small businesses, startups, universities and schools. Students, makers and professional should have direct access to education, without barriers, paywalls and legal burdens.

What’s the value of multi-billion public investments if there aren’t designers, engineers and other experts who can operate the industry and who master the tools to innovate?

We all took apart watches and radios when we were kids, hence we learned how they work. It is time to look inside chips and their tool-chains so that we can study, improve and trust them.

The conference motto is therefore: Education, dissemination and innovation by openness and collaboration!

Click here for more info

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