#Online event: Space 4 Critical Infrastructure: Energy & Transport

Date(s) - 27/10/2022
11:00 - 12:30

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In the last decade we have witnessed increasingly sophisticated physical and cyber risks threatening key services and infrastructure. EU-level measures and schemes to protect EU assets have been considered partly outdated and not sufficient. For this reason, the European Commission presented on 16 December 2020 a proposal for a new EU-Directive to enhance the resilience of critical entities providing essential services in the EU.

For its third thematic session, the “Space 4 Critical Infrastructures” series shifts towards energy and transport. The energy and transport sectors are inherently linked to critical infrastructures, which is also why they already applied in the European Critical Infrastructure Directive of 2008. The green and digital transition of transport and energy distribution networks stands high on the EU political agenda. This session will gather examples of satellite solutions for the maintenance and monitoring of road and railway infrastructure, as well as for safe transport and distribution of energy.

Click here for more info

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