Date(s) - 06/10/2021 - 08/10/2021
Harokopio University of Athens (HUA)
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The 14th edition of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2021) will take place in Athens, Greece, 6-8 October 2021.
The conference aims at exploring how the synergies among the communities of technology, policy, and social cohesion can be a positive factor for sustainable development in our quest of tackling the great problems that still shake our societies and advancing towards a higher quality of living while preserving our planet.
ICEGOV took place for the first time in 2007, in Macau. It was the beginning of a journey that has led the conference and its participants to 12 different cities spread over 11 countries and 5 continents. In all its past editions, ICEGOV addressed pertinent subjects for academics, practitioners, and decision-makers in the EGOV domain. During the year 2020, despite the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world, the conference still took place in a fully-online format, in real time.
After thirteen editions, ICEGOV has become a source of significant research and policy insight, able to reach national and global policy, industry and research audiences.
This year, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is our hope and goal that the conference can take place in its usual format, in October 2021. Athens is set to be the host city, and it certainly has a lot to show for those who visit it! Join us!
Click here for more info.
Click here to view the schedule.
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