#οnlibe event: Clean Architecture

Date(s) - 16/05/2024 - 17/05/2024

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This training will guide you through the major architectural styles and patterns for backend systems, including Clean Architecture, Hexagonal Architecture, Layered Architecture, Vertical Slices Architecture, Domain-Driven Design, Modular Monoliths, and Microservices. By understanding every style and its trade-offs, you’ll learn how to combine them in your application while avoiding common pitfalls. Guided by real-world Java examples, you’ll learn how to:

Design clean and pragmatic architecture

  • Slice and structure your application by Features.
    Group code by the axis of change.
    Organize code in functional top-level packages.
    Find package boundaries (heuristics).
    Remove cyclic dependencies between packages (6 strategies).
    Separate module/compilation units.
    Decouple modules/packages/components with Dependency Inversion.
    Reduce cognitive load with modularity and information hiding.
    Enforce architectural constraints.
    Test your core logic, infrastructure, and integrations.
    Segregate data structures and DB Schemas.
    Balance between uniformity/standardization and pragmatism.
    leverage Evolutionary Architecture and avoid big up-front designs.
    Incrementally migrate from legacy Big Ball of Mud to Modulith/Microservices.

Click here for more info

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