Cloud for Europe Project – final Event

Date(s) - 21/06/2017
10:00 - 18:00

Austrian Federal Computing Centre (BRZ)


On the 21st of June the Cloud for Europe project will organize its final workshop in Austria at the Federal Computing Centre (BRZ) in Vienna.

The workshop is focusing on cloud services, which are  the result of the pre-commercial procurement. The contractors will demonstrate their results. It is also an excellent opportunity for the public to participate and see what the project has achieved so far.

The event will be opened with keynotes by Reinhard Posch, Professor at TU Graz and CIO Federal Government Austria, Pearse O’Donohue, Head of Unit for Software & Services in Cloud Computing, European Commission (DG CONNECT) (tbc)  and by Antonio Samaritani, Director of AGID.

The day will start with the panel session for public sector Cloud Adoption. Presentations of new services for the public sector cloud market will follow: Federated Certified Services Brokerage for EU Public Administration Cloud. The second session is on Secure, Legislation – Aware Storage. The final session will be on Legislation Execution Cloud Services.

Demonstrations of the cloud services will also take place during breaks.

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