Date(s) - 11/09/2017 - 18/09/2017
ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
Space App Camp
Huge amounts of data from space, the kind produced by the European Earth observation programme Copernicus and its fleet of Sentinel satellites, offer countless opportunities in connection with mobile applications. The Space App Camps bring programmers together to develop creative and innovative apps that make Earth observation data – particularly from the Copernicus programme – accessible to a wide range of citizens. This unique one-week event was initiated by the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2012 and has since been organised by Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen (AZO).
It seeks to introduce app developers to the Copernicus programme and to create awareness for the possibilities Earth observation data offers as a means of enriching mobile apps. Such data provides crucial economic and ecological information to an array of industry sectors: from energy, transport, logistics, and construction to aeronautics, healthcare, and telecommunications, myriad areas profit significantly from this global flow of information.
During this adventurous week, you will have the opportunity to use a stack of linked data tools for storing, querying and browsing/visualizing linked geospatial and temporal data, that were developed over the last years in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens:
You will also be able to use a dedicated API provided by RAMANI B.V., that will make it easy for you to integrate Earth observation data into your app, allowing you to take part in the Space App Camp without having any experience in integrating such data.
In order to participate, app developers are able to register now until 24 July 2017 at app-lab.eu. Registrations are automatically part of an exclusive beta-community with a free travel to the European Space Agency (ESA) App Camp to Frascati, Italy.
Copernicus App Lab

The Copernicus App Lab project will establish a proof-of-concept for providing the data from the Copernicus land monitoring service, the Copernicus marine environment monitoring service, and the Copernicus atmosphere monitoring service in a linked open format (LOD). This endeavour is meant to promote the incorporation of Copernicus data in mobile applications and the use of proper tools in the potential future linkage efforts of the Copernicus Services or developers themselves.
Copernicus App Lab’s data access platform merges the scientific Earth observation (EO) community and mobile developers for a safer, healthier and economical stronger world. Registration are welcome now – all entries are automatically part of an exclusive beta-community.
Copernicus will deliver an unprecedented volume of available data, provide new operational services, and foster new business opportunities and job creation.
explains Elzbieta Bienkowska, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.
The overall objective of the Copernicus App Lab is to demonstrate a user-driven evolution in services that can be integrated seamlessly into the existing service architecture. This means, that the Copernicus programme contributes to the development of innovative applications and services, by making the vast majority of its data, analyses, forecasts, and maps freely available and accessible, in order to make our world safer, healthier, and economically stronger. Thus, the simple data access every downstream service developer requires, must be combined with in-depth knowledge of EO data processing.
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