Demo Day DataCity

Date(s) - 06/06/2017
17:00 - 22:00

Salle des Fêtes de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris


Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, and Marie-Vorgan Le Barzic, CEO of NUMA, are pleased to invite you on June 6th 2017 to the Demo Day of the second Parisian edition of DataCity, a leading open innovation program related to Smart Cities.

Throughout the last nine months, urban challenges related to logistics, energy and mobility have been addressed by a cohort of City experts, startups and corporate partners. This event, taking place at the “Salle des Fêtes” of the Paris City Hall, will be the occasion for representatives of each of the aforementioned stakeholders to showcase prototypes that have been jointly developed throughout this journey.

Learn more here.

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