EGOV 2024

Date(s) - 01/09/2024 - 05/09/2024

Ghent University

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The EGOV2024 conference is a scientific conference that is dedicated to the broader areas of e-Government and e-Democracy, which include facets like Digital Government, e-Participation, Open Government,  Smart Government, AI government, GovTech, Algoritmic Governance, and related topics to digitalization and government.

The IFIP EGOV 2024 conference will be hosted in Belgium, in the heart of Europe, by Ghent University and KU Leuven. They are both top 100 universities, and two of the major universities in Belgium with over 50.000 students and 15.000 employees. Ghent University was founded in 1817 and KU Leuven in 1425. In addition to all that history, the universities also bring a lot of innovation to their vibrant student’s towns. As part of the conference, the University of Ghent hosts the PHD colloquium and Junior Faculty School in Ghent on 1-2 September. The PhD Colloquium is a full day event on 1 September, open only for those who are admitted and offers a limited number of PhD bursaries. The Junior Faculty School is a full day event on 2 September, for sharing experiences to advance the career of young researchers interested in digitalization and government. The conference sessions will be hosted 3-5 September in Leuven by the KU Leuven.

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