# EMS Annual Meeting 2022

Date(s) - 04/09/2022 - 09/09/2022

University of Bonn

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The meeting

The EMS2022 is planned to be held as an in-person meeting at the Poppelsdorf Campus of the University of Bonn, from 4 to 9 September 2022. The conference will have an online component. For onsite participation we will follow the then-valid regulations on travelling and access to large events and will update details here in due time. Naturally, many details will still need to be discussed and decided, and technical issues investigated. Some preliminary information on the hybrid format for the session programme we aim at is provided on this page.

The challenges and opportunities for meteorological science and services are growing continuously: Climate change and more frequent extreme weather events with high socio-economic impact pose growing threats. However, new opportunities emerge: new observing and modelling systems and technologies, artificial intelligence, increasing computer and telecommunication resources as well as a broader awareness of the potential of meteorological science and applications across diverse communities, from meteorological research organisations and companies to society and stakeholders. Therefore, one major driver will be on the needs, challenges and benefits from seamless interactions between objectives, methodologies and partnerships.

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