Date(s) - 09/07/2017 - 16/07/2017
Palacongressi di Rimini
Here’s an overview of what you can expect in Rimini:
We will start with a Beginner’s Day workshop and a Django Girls workshop on Sunday, July 9.
The main 5 conference days follow, packed with keynotes, talks, training sessions, help desks, interactive sessions, panels and poster sessions.
A complete PyData EuroPython is included as well.
The two weekend days after the conference, July 15 and 16, are reserved for sprints.
Overall, we will again have 8 days worth of great Python content, arranged in over 200 sessions, waiting for you.
In short:
- Sunday, July 9: Beginners’ Day Workshop and other workshops
- Monday – Friday, July 10-14: Conference talks, keynotes, training, etc.
- Saturday, Sunday, July 15-16: Sprints
More info here.
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