GNOME ♥️ Rust 2024

Date(s) - 31/05/2024 - 05/06/2024


Κατηγορία(ες) Δεν υπάρχουν κατηγορίες

Another iteration of the “GNOME ♥ Rust” hackfest series, where we all sit down and try to improve anything rust related in our stack! If you are interested in Rust, the bindings or applications using them you are more than welcome!

The hackfest will take place from May 31st to June 5th, with 31st-3rd being in-venue and 4-5th as impromptu hacking sessions and socializing.


:warning: it’s not the space you find when typing CoHo in GMaps – make sure to use the right address below

We will have a big room with desks that can fit 20-25 people as well as a meeting room for up to 15 people.

  • Address: 29A, Ptolemeon st, Thessaloniki 546 30
  • Rooms:
    • big room with individual desks with the capacity of 20-25 people
    • conference room that can fit up to 15 people

Click here for more info

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