Date(s) - 01/12/2024 - 02/12/2024

Hotel Clarks Amer

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This conference is brought to you by the Go Language Community in India together with the Emerging Technology Trust (ETT). ETT is a non-profit organization, established to organize and conduct technology conferences in India. It’s current portfolio includes DeccanRubyConf, DevOpsDaysIndia, DroidJamIndia, GopherConIndia and RubyConfIndia.

We love going to conferences that don’t make you choose between two great presentations. So we created GopherConIndia as a single-track event that you don’t want to miss and where everyone gets the opportunity to see the same talks. We think you’ll enjoy the speakers we’re lining up so much, you won’t want to miss anyone of them.

Note: The conference is entirely in English.

Click here for more info

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