Date(s) - 17/10/2024
14:00 - 17:45
NWO building
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The FAIR National Roadshow series is visiting The Netherlands on the 17h of October 2024!
The aim of this event is to present the outcomes and ongoing work of the FAIR-IMPACT project to the research community in the Netherlands, and build relevant connections.
Do you want to know where to start with FAIRification of sensitive data or how to assess the FAIRness of software? Learn about the FAIR principles and how to put them into practice during the interesting program, which includes interactive workshops, at the Dutch FAIR-IMPACT National Roadshow. Also, find out who will win the RDNL Dutch Data Prize, awarded to an individual or a team that makes research data FAIR.
Target audience: (LC)RDM community at large, data support staff, researchers and policy makers at universities,universities of applied sciences and research institutes to join this event.
Language: English
Date: 17 October 2024, 13:00 – 16:45 CEST
Local facilitator(s): Research Data Netherlands (RDNL), a national coalition of data service providers and expertise networks whose mission is to promote implementation and long-term sustainability of FAIR research data in the Netherlands, and is existing of DANS, SURF (both FI-partners), Health-RI and 4TU.ResearchData.
Click here for more info