#Hybrid event: High-Level ComPAct Conference: “Fostering Growth through Enhanced Public Administration”

Date(s) - 27/06/2024
10:00 - 16:30

Members Salon, European Parliament

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In late 2023, the European Commission unveiled its Communication on public administration, titled “Strengthening the European Administrative Space (ComPAct).” The ComPAct underscores the critical role that efficient and effective public administrations play in supporting EU policies and instruments, as well as fostering citizen trust.

The upcoming conference will highlight how ComPAct can aid Member States in modernising their public administrations, thereby enhancing EU productivity and competitiveness and expanding the Single Market. The event will convene high-level officials and practitioners from EU institutions, Member States, and social partners, and it will revolve around two primary themes:

  1. Reducing Administrative Burden and Boosting Competitiveness: This aligns with President von der Leyen’s pledge to reduce reporting requirements by 25%, enhancing the EU’s long-term competitiveness through process simplification and improved administrative cooperation.
  2. Completing the Single Market: The ComPAct Digital pillar aims to leverage digitalisation and interoperability to facilitate cross-border services, creating more market opportunities for European businesses and better services for EU citizens.

You can click on this link to discover more about the conference and to register.


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