#Hybrid Event: National Tripartite Event Slovakia

Date(s) - 31/05/2023
10:30 - 15:00

Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI SR)

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The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI SR) is hosting Slovakia´s first National Tripartite Event on May 31, 2023.

CVTI SR as a specialized scientific library of the Slovak Republic implements the Open Science activities in Slovakia. Officially represents the interests of the Slovak community in the EOSC Association (EOSC-A) as the mandated organisation of Slovakia. CVTI SR endorses a broad group of stakeholders in Slovakia in order to be actively involved in EOSC activities. Through the EOSC SK secretariat keeps the Slovak community informed and tuned in.

The Slovak National Tripartite Event will provide a platform to discuss the current status of the EOSC initiative both at the European and also national level. Representatives of the European Commission, the EOSC-A, Slovak representatives in EOSC-Steering Board, representatives of Slovak ministries and political actors dealing with open science and open data, and representatives of research institutes and companies will have a possibility to network, exchange ideas, and discuss various aspects of EOSC. A broad expert representation will allow to define the exact state-of-the-art of the EOSC development. Through presentations, the panel discussion, best practices examples, the event will focus on defining future challenges and perspectives in the field of open science.

We believe that the event will stimulate a fruitful discussion between all the involved parties, spread national awareness of the EOSC initiative among researchers and national policy makers, and thus contribute to implement EOSC principles at the national level and foster mutual cooperation with other European countries and EOSC-A.

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