#hybrid event: Open vSwitch and OVN 2024 Fall Conference

Date(s) - 20/11/2024 - 21/11/2024

Grandior Hotel Prague

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The Open vSwitch project, a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project, will host its tenth annual conference focused on Open vSwitch and OVN on November 20&21, 2024. The conference will be hybrid. Talks will be presented live during the conference. We are planning to use an online system that allows for text-based discussion, and live Q&A while the talk is happening for virtual attendees. Each talk will have time reserved following the presentation for further discussion via both text, over video and audio, and live with the presenters. Each talk will be given once.

The in-person location for the conference this year will be at the Hotel Grandior (here) in Prague, CZ.

How to attend

Registration will be required to attend. See the event brite page to register.

To book at the Hotel Grandior, please use this link or use the promo code OVN2024 when booking.


We are looking for sponsors. If you can help us with event organization by sponsoring, please drop us a line at ovscon@openvswitch.org and we’ll send you our sponsorship information.

Talks / Schedule

We will present talks live at the Hotel Grandior and broadcast via Google meet.

Click here for more info

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