#Hybrid event: RedwoodJS Conference

Date(s) - 26/09/2023 - 29/09/2023

Knights Inn

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conference for builders

ALL in on react server components

React is an established, powerful tool for building interactive applications. It’s no secret that the introduction of RSC is a big change. Redwood is one of a few existing frameworks on the edge of RSC adoption. React is a major theme at this conference, and your opportunity to get in early on a best-in-class framework and the future of React.

Get Equipped to Build a Modern App

At this conference, you’ll learn about much more than Redwood.
Sessions and workshops from experts and frontline founders will cover topics across modern tools, best practices, and building a startup. Redwood sits at the center of an ecosystem that includes industry standard tools you’ll need at any stage (MVP to Scale) across the development-to-production, CI/CD lifecycle.
Click here to view the agenda
Click here for more info
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