#Hybrid event: Smart City Expo Miami 2022

Date(s) - 12/12/2022 - 14/12/2022

James L. Knight Center

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SMART CITY EXPO MIAMI celebrates its third annual edition in a hybrid format, a 3D Live Experience – Disruptive, Diversified and Dynamic. The 3-day conference features in-depth conversations, lectures, and masterclasses with international experts in the urban planning, infrastructure, climate action and business fields from around the world geared toward empowering citizens and decision-makers to work together thoughtfully in accessing their community’s innovative and economic potential.
Part of FIWARE North America Task Force will at the event to discuss how to accelerate deployment of platforms for cities, accelerating timelines and leveraging open source to prevent proprietary systems lock-in.

As societies, we invest in new buildings, transportation, power, industry. Do we have a plan for the city with people, productivity, and quality of life in mind? Do we have a controlled process that produces successful projects that fit into our plan without wasted time, money, and eliminates corruption? Do we have a plan for maintenance of the completed assets that is locally resourced and sustainable? How do we engage the citizens to contribute to the planning process and create a unified effort? Is there new technology(right now) that is affordable and enables unprecedented participation and ushers in a new era of public support for a revitalized city?

Click here for more info

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