iBestuur Congress 2024

Date(s) - 11/09/2024

NBC Congrescentrum

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On Wednesday 11 September 2024, the NBC Congress Centre in Nieuwegein is the scene of the annual iBesture Congress. Under the overarching theme ‘De Verdieping’, colleagues from the general government, science, civil society organisations and the market will meet for a day full of deepening, debate and networking.

Dive into the deep

The theme this year is Deepening. Deepening topics that are essential to the future of our digital society; improving services, with the aim of creating a safe and inclusive government that listens to its citizens.

In addition, we delve into the impact of AI and algorithms on our democratic values, and we investigate how technology can contribute to greater transparency and fairness. We pay attention to the resilience of our organizations and society against digital threats and to promoting broad prosperity through open data and innovative technologies.

In addition to a varied substantive program with leading speakers from various sectors, the conference offers plenty of opportunity to get in touch with i-Governmentaries from the government, education, science and the IT sector to exchange knowledge, gain new insights and make new contacts.

More information can be found here: Programma gegevens: iBestuur Congres 2024.

Click here for more info

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