JSHeroes 2024

Date(s) - 23/05/2024 - 24/05/2024

Grand Hotel Italia

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JSHeroes is a non-profit community-organized event, held every year in Cluj, Romania. Our goal is to bring together JS and Web/Frontend enthusiasts from all over the world for a single-track two-day conference with: quality content, amazing networking and tons of fun. You bring your ideas and desire to learn, we provide the relaxed atmosphere and the good vibes.

An open-source community event

We believe that the community and the open-source models are well suited for our core values: learning, teaching and knowledge sharing. Our mission is to inspire other communities with the concept of open-source events.

We’re publishing all data about this conference, in full transparency. We are also available at any time for inquires and we’re really looking forward to sharing our knowledge about organizing international events. This way, whenever a community wants to start something similar, they can build on our knowledge.

Our 6th edition will take place on the 23th and 24th of May 2024!

Tickets are available on our ti.to page.

Our furry friend Ecma is getting ready for this year’s event. Check out their journey in the trailer below!

Click here for more info

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