#Online event: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America Virtual

Date(s) - 17/11/2020 - 20/11/2020


The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities virtually from November 17 – 20, 2020. Join containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Rook, TiKV, TUF, Vitess, Argo, CloudEvents, CNI, Contour, Cortex, CRI-O, Dragonfly, etcd, Falco, gRPC, KubeEdge, Linkerd, NATS, Notary, Open Policy Agent, OpenTracing, Operator Framework, SPIFFE, SPIRE, and Thanos as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.

Click here for more info.

Click here to view the schedule.

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