Date(s) - 03/09/2020
19:00 - 20:30
Κατηγορία(ες) Δεν υπάρχουν κατηγορίες
Fellow PyDataneers,
we are starting the season in full speed with a very interesting business case and a great presenter!
On Thursday, the 3rd of September, we will be broadcasting the 2nd Virtual PyData Athens meetup. We host Jon Vlahogiannis, founder of Agentrisk, seasoned entrepreneur and scientist, who will be sharing the story of building and scaling a massive data pipeline in just a few weeks, that enabled Greece to safely accept travelers again.
The title of the talk is “Using Serverless, Python, R and Machine learning to save a country”
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: https://zoom.us/j/91682463239?pwd=eFFpMU5iT3BJdEtBc3Z5eUVrQzhjdz09
PyData Athens powered by Warply.
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