#Online event: Accessible Design with the Student in Mind

Date(s) - 14/06/2022
21:00 - 22:00

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Accessible Design with the Student in Mind

Accessible online course design benefits all students. However, accessibility is often an afterthought in online course design. If you’ve experienced the pain of having to revise your course content for accessible design, this webinar is for you! We’ll focus on designing accessible content from the beginning, and teach you tips and tricks along the way to ensure your content is accessible.
This webinar will break down the why and how of accessible online course design so you can design with all of your students in mind. From headings, alt text, accessible table structures, and video captions, you are sure to learn tips and tricks to help you create accessible content from the start.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:
– Design using the basics of headings, image alt text, accessible table structures, and video captions
– Evaluate the accessibility of images, headings, and tables in Moodle and common word processors
– Use Moodle’s built-in accessibility features
– Use the Brickfield Accessibility Starter Toolkit to check course accessibility

Click here for more info
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