#Online event: axe-con

Date(s) - 10/03/2021 - 11/03/2021

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Why attend axe-con?

Building accessible digital experiences requires a team effort, across design, development, management, testing, accessibility experts, and of course, legal. Axe-con is the first of its kind, dedicating topics to each of these key players. This is not an assistive technology convention.

Talks at axe-con will include case studies from enterprise companies leading in large-scale accessibility efforts, as well as best practices and updates from technology leaders around the world. Attendance of axe-con sessions can also be used towards continuing education (CE) towards IAAP certification.

Topics of focus will include accessibility in development, accessibility in design, organizational success with accessibility, and accessibility compliance.

Join us to learn how to build, test, monitor, and maintain digital accessibility.

What to expect from a virtual axe-con

Axe-con will run Wednesday, March 10th through Thursday, March 11th with talks from the top experts in the accessibility community.

Attendees will experience:

  • Two-days of multi-track sessions based on areas of interest.
  • Interactive online sessions with Chat and Q&A .
  • Live captions for every session.
  • Special virtual entertainment sessions.
  • Opportunities to win the always-coveted Deque swag.

A note about axe-con culture

We take the axe-con Code of Conduct very seriously. It is our goal to uphold the inclusive standard that the accessibility community expects and deserves. As you evaluate attending, speaking, or sponsoring the event, we expect everyone to respect this important aspect of the axe-con culture.

Furthermore, we strongly value a diverse and inclusive lineup of speakers. We believe that the diversity of speakers and topics will not only make axe-con better, but it allows for important perspectives and voices to be heard in the greater #a11y community.

Lastly, we strive to make the content and experience of axe-con digitally accessible. We ask that our attendees, speakers, and sponsors join us in maintaining this core aspect of axe-con culture as well.

What does the axe-con name mean?

The name axe comes from a well known Deque open source project called axe-core. It’s been downloaded tens of millions of times, making it the de facto standard in automated accessibility testing rules. It’s baked into every instance of the Chrome browser extension around the world and used widely by top businesses and organizations to help determine if web and mobile apps are accessible. The community response and support behind the project is the inspiration for all Deque efforts, including this conference.

We also like to think that axe is synonymous with accessible experiences.


On Friday, March 12th, after axe-con, we will host our 5th annual axe-hackathon which will be completely online for the first time ever. Contribute to making the web accessible to people with disabilities by coding and collaborating with colleagues on axe-related projects. Register for free today.

axe-con Event Prospectus

For more information about axe-con, you can read more on the axe-con event prospectus.

Click here to view the schedule.

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