#Online event: Big Data Test Infrastructure Webinar

Date(s) - 10/05/2022
16:00 - 17:30

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The Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI), provided by the European Commission as part of the Digital Europe programme, supports EU local, regional and national public administrations with the necessary technical documentation, open-source tools and services to test and prototype analytics solutions.

BDTI allows public administrations to focus on gathering knowledge, insight and value from their public sector information, instead of setting up and maintaining a complex experimental environment.

If you are a public sector entity or agency, discover how BDTI can help you find new ways to draw data-driven insights for strategic decision making.

During the webinar you will have the opportunity to learn about the services offered by BDTI, the benefits you can get from it and the steps needed to apply for a pilot project.

In addition, our BDTI technical team will show you all the open-source components provided by BDTI and will provide you with a hands-on use case on the European Green Deal, showing how BDTI can contribute in improving the well-being and health of citizens and future generations by making the continent “Climate-neutral”.

Click here for more info

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