#Online event: COFE Datathon

Date(s) - 01/03/2022 - 20/03/2022

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The COFE Datathon is a data mining competition organised by the European Commission in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The aim of the datathon is to foster the analysis of the Conference open data set to discover new and rich insights around the public contributions submitted by citizens to the digital platform.

The COFE Datathon will start on the 1st of March 2022 and officialy end on 30 March 2022. During this period, teams participating in the datathon will be able to use their own tools to perform the analysis and submit their results.

On 30 March 2022, there will be a closing event, with a pitch session where each team will have 10 minutes to explain their approach and main findings, and a closing ceremony.

The COFE Datathon is a competition open to participation to any team from anywhere in Europe, composed of a maximum of five members. Teams can be composed by individuals of private companies, universities, research institutes, public entities, associations, etc. The competition is not open to staff working in the EU institutions and agencies.

Click here for more info.

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