#Online event: Container security made open-source

Date(s) - 17/06/2021
17:00 - 18:30

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Last news (10min)
Who is Aqua (5min)
Aqua open-source projects pitch and demo (35 min):
– Trivy: Manage vulnerabilities in your pipeline
– Kube-Bench: Securely configure your Kubernetes clusters with CIS benchmark
– Tracee: Runtime Security and forensics tool
– Starboard: Kubernetes security command center
How Aqua is using open source in the Entreprise platform (5 min)

Itay Shakury is Director of Open Source at Aqua Security, where he leads the development of industry leading, open source, cloud native security solutions. Itay has over 15 years of experience in various development, architecture and product roles. Itay is also a CNCF Cloud Native Ambassador and is leading community initiatives such as the CNCF Tel Aviv group.

Pierre Debenais is Southern Europe Manager at Aqua Security, where he builds a team from Paris. Pierre has over 10 years of experience in customer and partnerships management in cybersecurity.
He is working at expend DevSecOps in this region by developing partnerships with cloud providers and integrator and takes care of Aqua customers.

Click here for more info.

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