#Online event: Data spaces: Introducing the concept and relevance in today’s world

Date(s) - 12/05/2023
11:00 - 12:00

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The webinar series titled ‘Data spaces: Introducing the concept and relevance in today’s world’ presents the European Data Strategy and the goal of forming a single European data space, in other words creating a single market for data.
The first session holds a focus of introducing the concept of data spaces. The common European data spaces will bring together relevant data infrastructures and governance frameworks, allowing for the facilitation of data pooling and sharing. Currently, there are 14 strategic fields under which the data spaces fall. Throughout the session, 3/4 examples of data spaces in these strategic fields will be highlighted and the connection with open data emphasised. Once the audience has grasped the concept of a data space, the benefits and challenges of these will be discussed. The session will conclude with a Q&A session.
All in all, the aim of this webinar series is to raise awareness among the wider audience on common European data spaces and the role of open data and open data portals such as data.europa.eu with respect to them. Open data is the highest level of data sharing, open to everyone and against no payment. By creating a single market for data through the data spaces, open data can reach within and across all sectors in Europe.
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