Date(s) - 28/10/2020
14:00 - 16:00
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eGovernment that works for the people, works and learns with data!
Save the date and join the European Data Portal (EDP) and Support Centre for Data Sharing’s (SCDS) next Data Talks session, “eGovernment that works for the people”, on Wednesday 28 October at 13:00 CET. In this session, we will be joined by Jochem Dogger and Roel Geilleit, two of the authors and researchers behind the report.
The session on “eGovernment that works for the people will discuss the eGovernment Benchmark 2020, commissioned by the European Commission and published at the end of September. eGovernment in Europe is characterised by a “virtuous circle” where public administrations improve their digital services to meet citizens high demand. This is achieved by learning from each other, building on technology and empowering citizens. The eGovernment Benchmark aims to increase the velocity of these developments with ever developing methodologies, tools and data sources.
The EDP and SCDS host Data Talk sessions every fortnight on topics related to open data and data sharing, free of charge. Everyone is welcome to join these discussions to learn more from the speakers and to share their experiences. This Data Talk session will be hosted on WebEx and shared on the EDP and SCDS channels. Join the session to learn more and we look forward to seeing you there!
Click here for more info.
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