#Online event: eBPF Summit 2023

Date(s) - 13/09/2023

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Welcome to the eBPF Summit, a virtual event for all things within the Open Source eBPF ecosystem. This event for the eBPF community is aimed at new and existing members wishing to learn and grow and includes hands-on technologists building, using or interested in eBPF as a platform.

Connecting technologists

This year’s summit is a single-day virtual event diving into the technology that’s powering the most exciting new infrastructure tools.

Sharing ideas

You’ll hear about how people and projects leverage eBPF today to solve engineering problems, and how eBPF itself is evolving and growing.

Trending technologies

eBPF is one of the most talked about technologies in our industry – enabling a new generation of networking, observability and security tools

Click here to view the agenda

Click here for more info

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