#Online event: EUHUB4D DATA FORUM

Date(s) - 30/03/2021
10:30 - 14:00

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EUH4D Data Forum is as an annual event to be held within the framework of the EUH4D project.

It is created with the aim of raising awareness, sharing results and recommendations, and receiving contributions on strategies and policies from the European Commission around data.

The event will be held on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 in online format with the participation of different experts in the field of European Big Data.


Strengthening cross-border data innovation has always been a top priority for the European Commission since its Communication on Building a European Data Economy back in 2017 1 and as reiterated in the Communication “Towards a common European Data Space” and in all most recent strategic documents, including the European Data Strategy of last February.

However, most recent studies concur on the fact that the opportunities provided by cross-border data innovation in Europe are still underexploited and that different challenges still exist for the cross-border use of data, including legal and ethical challenges, technical challenges, policy challenges and business challenges. This was also highlighted in BDVA recent Position Paper “Towards a European-Governed Data Sharing Space” (November 2020).

At the same time, many initiatives and projects have been launched in recent years to address these obstacles, including those funded under Horizon 2020 call ICT13a – Supporting the emergence of data markets and the data economy and call DT-ICT-05-2020 – Big Data Innovation Hubs.

Click here for more info and to view the agenda.

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