Date(s) - 31/01/2023
16:00 - 18:30
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Expert workshop “Preparatory action for a common European mobility data space”
Europe is on its way to generate and make use of more data than ever. FIWARE is a part of the PrepDSpace4Mobility project aimed at contributing to the development of the common European mobility data space by supporting the creation of a technical infrastructure that will facilitate easy, cross-border access to key data for both passengers and freight. Given the enormous potential of data and digital technologies, the project is expected to have a positive impact on European competitiveness, society, and the environment.
We are inviting experts in the field of mobility, transport and data space technology to join PrepDSpace4Mobility expert workshop #1 to learn more about the preliminary results of the project and give early feedback in order to sharpen the focus as needed and requested from the real market.
Workshop will take place in virtual format on January 31, 2023 15:00 – 17:30 CET and gather suppliers and users of data, relevant research institutes, associations, initiatives, politics, as well as technology and service providers in data spaces to ensure appropriate representation.
Preliminary Agenda:
15.00 – 15.10 Welcome, overview on registered parties, workshop goals and ground rules
15.10 – 15.20 Data Spaces: Vision for the future and history until today
15.20 – 15.30 Data Spaces: EC initiatives and frameworks
15.30 – 15.50 Project “PrepDSpace4Mobility” CSA as an integral part of mobility data spaces initiatives
15.50 – 16.30 Inventory collection and feedback
16.30 – 16.55 Data Gap Analysis approach and discussion
16.55 – 17.20 Building blocks approach and discussionThe second workshop will take place in May 2023 and will be based on more evolved and mature data and results.
We are looking forward to a successful workshop, and greatly appreciate your practical field expertise and interactive contributions. Therefore, the number of attendees is limited to enable active participation and feedback. Be the one who will represent your organization*.
*Each organization is allowed to bring in one representative in order to guarantee a balanced and equal opportunity driven approach.
Click here for more info
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