#Online event: Expert Workshop “Preparatory action for a common European mobility data space”

Date(s) - 30/05/2023
14:00 - 18:00

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Expert Workshop “Preparatory action for a common European mobility data space”

As a part of PrepDSpace4Mobility FIWARE invites experts in the field of mobility, transport and data space technology to join us in our 3rd expert workshop.

Europe is on its way to generate and make use of more data than ever. The project PrepDSpace4Mobility aims at contributing to the development of the common European mobility data space by supporting the creation of a technical infrastructure that will facilitate easy, cross-border access to key data for both passengers and freight.
We are excited to extend an invitation to experts in the field of mobility, transport and data space technology to join us for the upcoming PrepDSpace4Mobility expert workshop. The workshop aims to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about the most recent results of the project and provide concrete feedback. Your contribution will help to sharpen the project’s results reflecting best practices and requirements from the sector.

The workshop will take place virtually on May 30, 2023, 1:00 – 5:00 pm CEST. It will gather suppliers and users of data, experts from relevant research institutes, associations, initiatives, and policy, as well as technology and service providers in data spaces to discuss current challenges and possible options and solutions in a common data space.
Preliminary Agenda*:
Overview of PrepDSpace4Mobility project as an integral part of mobility data spaces initiatives
Brief Update from the European Commission on the wider context and ongoing initiatives
Expectations and goals
Inventory: Presentation of the status and latest developments
Data gap analysis
Building blocks
Outlook and next steps
During the workshop, you will be offered lots of room for interactivity, active contribution and direct feedback reflecting recent lessons and best practices in the mobility and logistics data landscape.
We are looking forward to a successful workshop, and greatly appreciate your input and active contributions. To attend the workshop, please fill the registration form.


Click here for more info

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