#Online event: International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS 2021)

Date(s) - 12/05/2021

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On 12 May 2021, the 17th International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS), also known as OSS 2021, will take place. The event provides an international forum where diverse professionals from academia, industry and public administrations can come together and discuss FLOSS initiatives. The event will address the use of FLOSS in large organizations, including private for-profit corporations, major non-profit organizations and large public administrations.

OSS 2021

OSS 2021 is an annual international conference organised by LUT University’s Lahti campus that provides a meeting place for a diverse community of open source enthusiasts, including those from academia, industry, and the public sector. The conference enables attendants to share research findings and practical experiences from different FLOSS initiatives they have led, and to provide information and education.

The event was foreseen to take place in Lahti, however, on account of the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis, it will be organised in an online format. Registration is compulsory and free of charge.

Click here for more info.
Click here to view the schedule.

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