Date(s) - 26/06/2023 - 02/07/2023
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The National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” (JASU) offers a unique opportunity for students to take a course in Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. This course is aimed at school students aged 14-18.
During the course, you will learn how to monitor the changes in your own countries using satellite imagery.
The School aims at the development of the skills of operation with open satellite data and application of remote sensing data.
We will show you the Earth Observation Browser of the European Space Agency which you can use for the following purposes:
● Downloading images from different satellites
● Analyse images using various tools
● Visualise your results to share them globally.
The program will mainly include practice and will focus on:
● What is Remote Sensing? How do satellites, aircraft, and UAVs take thousands of Earth’s Images every day?
● Types of satellites orbiting our planet and the purposes they are used for.
● What are the differences between satellite imagery and which images suit your purposes the best? What is a spectral curve and how is sunlight reflected from different types of surfaces?
● Color theory. How to combine different colours in satellite images to see what people would never see with their eyes.
● How to analyse the condition of forests, soil moisture, or the consequences of large fires (don’t be afraid, it’s not difficult).
Click here for more info
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