#Online event: Kubernetes Athens vol12

Date(s) - 10/12/2020
18:00 - 19:00

Κατηγορία(ες) Δεν υπάρχουν κατηγορίες

We are excited to announce the 12th Athens Kubernetes Meetup with a talk about:

“Autopilot: workload autoscaling at Google” by Krzysztof Rządca.

Based on the research paper “Autopilot: workload autoscaling at Google” published at Euro-Sys 2020, between Google Warsaw and the Institute of Informatics at University of Warsaw, Krzysztof Rządca will take you on a journey towards clairvoyant resource management using Machine Learning, in Google’s internal cloud.

In many Cloud systems, users need to specify a limit for the amount of
resources (CPU cores and RAM) to provision for their workloads. Setting these limits manually is cumbersome, wasteful and sometimes even dangerous.
Autopilot configures resources automatically, adjusting both the number of concurrent tasks in a job (horizontal scaling) and the CPU/memory limits for individual tasks (vertical scaling).
Autopilot uses machine learning algorithms applied to historical data about prior executions of a job, plus a set of finely-tuned heuristics. Our tool has a significant impact on Google fleet efficiency – Autopiloted jobs account for over 48% of Google’s fleet-wide resource usage, with an average slack (amount of claimed, but unused resources) of just 23%.

About Krzysztof Rządca:
Krzysztof Rządca is currently working as a data scientist at Google working on scheduling and resource management in Google Cloud. He is also an associate professor in the Institute of Informatics of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Poland.
Before joining UW, he was working as a research fellow (post-doc) in
Anwitaman Datta’s SANDS working group in the School of Computer Engineering (SCE) of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He did his PhD on resource management in grids jointly in Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble of Institut national polytechnique de Grenoble, France and Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw, Poland, as a French government fellow (co-tutelle grant). He graduated with a MSc from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.

Click here for more info.

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