#Online event: Online event: DigitALL Public conference

Date(s) - 20/04/2021 - 22/04/2021

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The DigitALL Public conference is the closing event of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital and the Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens (ISA²) programmes. Together with the Member States, these programmes have helped build cross-border public services for citizens, provided free interoperable solutions to companies and connected various organisations in different sectors. Over the course of three days, the DigitALL Public conference will celebrate the next step in this journey while looking ahead towards Europe’s digital future.

DigitALL Public Conference

The DigitALL Public conference is a three-day event targeted at policy makers and IT managers at EU, national and regional levels, academia, standardisation bodies, industry, startups and SMEs. The conference will feature a series of inspiring speakers from various European and international Institutions, Member States and industry. In addition to looking to past achievements in the digital transformation of public services in Europe, we will look to the future of the upcoming Digital Europe Programme.

A range of topics will be discussed, including innovation and GovTech, interoperability, smart cities, trust and security, and of course, open source software. OSOR will be presenting its work on supporting public administrations in adopting open source on 21 April, between 11:30AM and 12:30PM in a dedicated webinar. The webinar will present how OSOR supports adopting open source software within public administrations and discuss the various EU programmes and actions promoting its uptake and development. We will also present the Knowledge Centre, with a focus on its latest resources, and discuss how participants can become an active member of and contributor to the OSOR community.

That same day, there will also be a panel discussion on the role of open source in the public sector between 10.45AM and 11.30AM. The panel members are Monika Sowinska, OSOR’s Project Officer from the European Commission; Bastien Guerry from the Etalab, DINUM; Leonardo Favario from the Digital Transformation Team of the Italian Government, Sachiko Muto, CEO of OpenForum Europe; and Janis Tupilis, Chairman of the Latvian Open Technology Association. Finally, there will be an open source networking session between 3:30PM and 4:00PM for those looking to foster connections with other open source community members.

Registration for the DigitALL Public conference is open and free of charge. We look forward to seeing you there!


Click here for more info.

Click here to view the agenda.


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