#Online event: Oπe\n conference

Date(s) - 05/11/2020 - 07/11/2020

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Oπe\n is an annual technical conference supported by Nokia and major open communities of Greece.
Its vision is to interconnect and foster the Τech Εcosystem of Greece, to gain a prominent position and contribute to the reduction of brain drain.

For 2020, Oπe\n will be an Online conference

The organizing committee have worked hard to make Oπe\n 2020 come true, building upon the success of 2019.

This time, the topics will be:

  1. Infrastructure (Containers, Orchestration, Serverless, FaaS, Integration and Security) and
  2. Applications ( AI/ ML, Data Analytics / Fast Data / Big Data, IOT security and scaling, Cloud native).


Oπe\n conf 2020 will take place on November 5th, 6th, and 7th 2020 online. Free registration to attend the conference is now available in e\n’s web site.

Kindly notice that this year, the conference consists of:

  • The main event, 5-7 November 2020,
  • Four workshops (also free) but with limited participation:
    • Hacking Workshop, by Hack the Box,
    • Data engineering and business analytics in network monitoring, by PCCW Global,
    • Solving real-world business problems with R & Tidyverse, by PyData Piraeus, and
    • Deep Learning in Computer Vision, by Code.Hub


This event will allow visibility to hundreds of developers and networking with world class experts in this area, chosen via a CFP (Call For Presentation) procedure.

Click here for more info.

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