#online event: Open data maturity 2023: best practices across Europe

Date(s) - 16/02/2024
11:00 - 12:30

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On 14 December 2023, the ninth Open Data Maturity (ODM) report was published. The assessment measured the level of maturity of countries across Europe, highlighting their progress in promoting open data. The report aims to both inspire open data availability and reuse, as well as track progress on how countries move towards open data, comparing their performance across years.

With this webinar we will present insights from the Open Data Maturity 2023. Then, open data representatives from two high growth countries will discuss their national best practices, lessons learned and plans moving forward. Lastly, through a Q&A, the drivers behind the countries’ successes and the differences in their national approaches will be discussed.

Curious to learn more about ODM 2023, and open data best practices? Then mark your calendars for this data.europa academy webinar ‘Open data maturity 2023: best practices across Europe’ and join us on 16 February 10.00 – 11.30 CET for an interesting discussion on Open data maturity!

Click here for more info

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