#Online event: Open Education Day

Date(s) - 24/04/2021

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On 24 April 2021, CH Open is hosting their annual Open Education Day. The event, delivered in German and French, will feature lectures, workshops, and presentations on the use of open source and open content in education. In light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the event will take place online.

Open Education Day

CH Open is an association dedicated to the maintenance and dissemination of open systems, standards and data in Switzerland. The association helps preserve digital cultural assets in Switzerland and promote sustainable software development and open source software. They host the OSS Directory, a platform with the latest news, events, companies, products and job postings related to open source.

One upcoming event organised by the association is Open Education Day. With a wide range of lectures, workshops and short presentations, the event aims to impart knowledge and share experience on the use of open source technologies, open content, media education and IT skills in school curriculums.

The event will take place virtually and feature contributions from German and French speakers in Switzerland. The full programme and link to register will be shared mid-March.

Click here for more info.

Click here to view the programme.


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