Date(s) - 15/10/2020 - 18/10/2020
Κατηγορία(ες) Δεν υπάρχουν κατηγορίες
On October 15, 16, 17, 18, the ‘Preserving Western Balkans’ Festival is organized, a four-day event with activities dedicated to Open Source platforms, neglected architecture, collective architectural memory of two cities, Tirana and Pristina.
Oct 15 2020 (session about Tirana)
- 10:00 – Opening & Introduction to the event (how this is going to roll, the main agenda of the days to come) – Partners introduction (RYCO, Open Labs, IPKO)
- 10:20 – Presentation on Tirana urban story, a brief history/ the issue of the neglect, we are dealing with in the project/ bringing some examples of these neglected buildings most representative of the different historic periods the city went through. – How it started with preservingtirana.city / how it created the soil for other platforms-initiatives like thealbanian.house and why there is a need for a regional platform like preservingWB.city.
10 min Break
- 11:10 – Video-documentary about Tirana (the archi-tour)
- 11:30 – Common discussion slot about the documentary, or Q/A session
10 min Break
- 11:55 – Video-Interview with an adaptive re-use case study in Tirana – Discussion session on other case studies they know in Tirana or in other cities in Albania/ why is difficult the re-use of spaces, do you see it as an alternative option for the development and expansion of the city? (20 min)
- 12:35 – Generic presentation of the main Open source platforms from the tutors (Wikimedia Commons/ OpenStreetMap/ Github)
- 13:05 – General Q/A session for the tutors
Lunch break 13:20-15:00
- 15:00 – Lightning Talks, as open talks about issues and topics related to these themes ‘ the common, common spaces/ open knowledge/ participatory architecture/ the neglected, undesired architecture/ Urban issues in Tirana etc’ (5-10min each- total 30 min)
- Talk 1 10 min - Talk 2 10 min - Talk 3 10 min example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6QUjrBbrm4
- 15:30 – Agenda of the next days – break down in details
Oct 16 2020 Workshops in smaller specific groups to add materials about Tirana to the platform.
- 10:00 – Opening (general presentation of the open source platforms and the way they are used in the websites)
The workshop sessions about Wikimedia Commons and OpenStreetMap will be held in parallel virtual rooms.
- 10:10 – Wikimedia Commons workshop Room (Tirana) – hosted by an expert of the field (group work 1) (3 hours) – OpenStreetMap workshop Room (Tirana) – hosted by an expert of the field (group work 3) (2 hours)
Lunch break 13:10 -14:30
- 14:30 – GitHub workshop Room ( Tirana) – hosted by an expert of the field (group work 4) (3 hours) – Architectural photography presentation and workshop (Tirana) – hosted by an expert of the field (group work 2) (3 hours)
- 17:30 – Agenda of the next days – break down in details
- 20:00 – ‘Late night’ Digital meeting (No agenda theme, hanging out session)
Oct 17 2020 (session about Pristina)
- 10:00 -Opening & Introduction to the event (how this is going to roll) – Partners introduction (RYCO, Open Labs, IPKO)
- 10:20 – Presentation on Pristina, a brief history/ the problematic of the neglect, we are dealing with in the project/ bringing some examples of these neglected buildings most representative of the different historic periods Pristina went through. – How it started with preservingtirana.city / how it created the soil for other platforms-initiatives like the Albanian.house and why there is a need for a regional platform like preservingWB.city.
10 min break
- 11:10 – Video-documentary about Pristina
- 11:30 – Common discussion slot about the documentary, or Q/A session
10 min Break
- 11:55 – Video-Interview with an adaptive re-use case study in Pristina (20 min) – Discussion session on other case studies they know in Pristina or in other cities in Kosovo/ why is difficult the re-use of spaces, do you see it as an alternative option for the development and expansion of the city? (15min)
- 12:35 -Generic presentation of the main Open source platforms from the tutors (Wikimedia Commons/ Open street map/ Github) (30min total, 10 min each platform)
- 13:05 – Architecture photography presentation +Q/A session (15min)
Lunch break 13:20-15:00
- 15:00 – Lightning Talks, as open talks about issues and topics related to these themes ‘ the common, common spaces/ open knowledge/ participatory architecture/ the neglected, undesired architecture/ Urban issues in Pristina etc’ (5-10min each- total 30 min)
- Talk 1 10 min - Talk 2 10 min - Talk 3 10 min
- 15:30 – Agenda of the next days – break down in details
Oct 18 2020 Workshops in smaller specific groups to add materials about Pristina to the platform.
- 10:00 – Opening (general presentation of the open source platforms and the way they are used in the websites)
- 10:10 – Wikimedia Commons workshop Room (Pristina) – hosted by an expert of the field (group work 1) (3 hours)- OpenStreetMap workshop Room (Pristina) – hosted by an expert of the field (group work 3) (2 hours)
Lunch break 13:10 -14:30
- 14:30 – GitHub workshop Room ( Pristina) – hosted by an expert of the field (group work 4) (3 hours) – Architectural photography workshop (Pristina) – hosted by an expert of the field (group work 2) (2 hours)
- 17:30 – Closing session
- 20:00 – ‘Late night’ Digital meeting (No agenda theme, hanging out session)
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