Date(s) - 22/04/2021
21:00 - 22:30
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We are delighted to welcome back Roman Pichler after a highly engaging and interactive session last July. Roman will share with us his insight on Product Goals, we will have a chance to ask him questions, and of course there will be time to connect with the wonderful HoA community!
The 2020 edition of the Scrum Guide introduced a new type of goal, the product goal. This talk discusses how you can set effective product goals, how they relate to other goals like product vision and sprint goal and why formulating more than one product goal might be beneficial for your product.
19:00 – 19:30: Product Goals in Scrum
19:30 – 20:00: Q&A
20:00 – 20:30: Small group discussion, feedback and community announcements
Roman is a product management expert specialised in digital products. He has more than 15 years of experience in teaching product managers and product owners, advising product leaders, and helping companies build successful product management organisations. Roman is the author of four books, including How to Lead in Product Management, Strategize: Product Strategy and Product Roadmap Practices for the Digital Age and Agile Product Management with Scrum. Roman writes a popular blog for product professionals, he hosts his own product management podcast, and he has created a range of product management tools.As the founder and director of Pichler Consulting, Roman looks after the company’s offerings. This keeps his product management practice fresh and allows him to experiment with new ideas. Roman is based in Wendover near London in the United Kingdom.
Click here for more info.
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