#Online event: React 2 React Athens MeetUp #2

Date(s) - 17/03/2021
19:00 - 20:30

Κατηγορία(ες) Δεν υπάρχουν κατηγορίες

We hope you enjoyed our first event and you are ready for the next one!

React 2 React is glad to be hosting Charis and Panagiotis to its 2nd virtual event. In this session the guys will talk about the benefits of very popular technologies such as Next.js and GraphQL.

We have to thank INTRASOFT International for providing the zoom platform to host our event and our sponsor for this event, ARHS Developments Hellas, for the amazing surprise we have prepared for all the participants! 😊

🗺️ Location: Online!
Please register for your participation and you will receive a reminder with a link to the event a day & one hour before.

📘 Event agenda:

19:00 – 19:10
Welcome and a small intro from the organizers.

19:10 – 19:20
A word from our sponsor:
1) ARHS Developments Hellas: https://www.arhs-group.com/entities/developments-hellas/

19:20 – 19:40
🎤 Server Side Rendering with Next.js (GR)
👨🏼‍🏫 Charis Giaralis Front End Engineer @ ARHS Developments Hellas

Traditional React apps are rendered on the client-side. This is not always optimal for both the user experience and the different search engines’ crawlers. The solution is simple: Server-side render or better yet generate your pages during build time! Next.js is a framework designed for that purpose. Initially render your React app at the server and still have it served as a React app to the client!

About Charis:
Charis is a software engineer and a JavaScript enthusiast. He loves the declarative nature and the flexibility of React almost the same as he loves spicy pizzas.

19:40 – 19:45

19:45 – 20:05
🎤 Put GraphQL in your toolbox (GR)
👨🏼‍🏫 Panagiotis Kapros Full Stack Software Engineer @ COVIS
GraphQL is a query language for APIs that we increasingly see being adopted by the industry. In this talk, we begin with a gentle introduction to the technology and discuss the key benefits that it brings to the table. We will see how you can enhance your development workflow in React by utilizing GraphQL and Hasura.

About Panagiotis:
Panagiotis is working with open-source technologies for the past 4 years, doing a lot of DevOps on the side, anything related to Microsoft technologies before that. Always excited to contribute and help evolve our tech stack. Loves anything ML related.

20:05 – 20:10

20:10 – 20:25
🏆 Mini surprise!

20:25 – 20:30

👀 Cu there!

Follow us:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8989095/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/344958456947665
Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/react-to-react-athens/shared_invite/zt-n0k0t5px-EBwEWxhdrG8C0BxT12YMYw

Event will be recorded and posted to our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFVEUwRxWWj6NsfcMfZe3zg

Click here for more info.

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